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Nutrition Counselling


Do you want to feel your best? Of course you do! So what's holding you back?


Every person’s eating story is unique, and no one solution works for everyone. Often, people are doing a lot of things right, but unhealthy habits are getting in the way. 


I will help you determine which habits are holding you back and help you adopt new healthy habits to achieve your health goals. I don't believe in diets or quick fixes. I believe in helping people make long-term, sustainable changes, and live a healthy, balanced lifestyle. 

The BALANCE program is personalized based on your food preferences, daily routine and goals. Whether you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to be working, have a special event coming up, need help with weight loss or meal planning, or are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, I’ve got you covered.


This 12-Week Program includes an initial health assessment, your personalized plan, meal plans, recipes, email and text support, and follow-up appointments to provide on-going guidance, strategies, recipes, and supplement & exercise recommendations. AND, you will work one-on-one with ME - a caring person vs. an online program! 


Follow ups generally occur every 7-10 days for new clients; accountability is key.



Father and Daughter Cooking


Online Program


“Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.” (Anthelme Brillat-Savarin) 

Have you ever wished a nutritionist would come live in your house for a week and provide you with friendly feedback on what you should and shouldn't be eating?

Well your wish has been granted! (everything but the living with you part - that would just be weird). 

The Re-BALANCE program can take your eating from just ok to amazing. The way it works: for one week, email your food journal to me at the end of the day, and the next morning, I'll send you friendly feedback, recipes and a daily tip or challenge. Online only - I promise I won't show up at your door with a suitcase. 




Laptop and Diary Topview
Healthy Green Smoothies
Healthy Yogurt


The program includes:


  • Meal Plan with Program-Friendly recipes including Breakfast, Snacks, Lunch, and Dinner 

  • Grocery List 

  • Prep Guide

  • Clean Eating Foods & Drinks List (if you miss a recipe, follow this list to stay on track with your clean eating!)

  • Portions Guide

  • Awesome Hour Guidelines 

  • Tips for Better Sleep 

  • Exercise Ideas

  • Daily Health Tip & Check-In through online group chat

  • Group support & accountability to help you achieve your goals!



Spring Re-FRESH 

Online Group Detox Program 

May 17 - 23, 2021

$49 (+HST)


Need a quick(ish) way to feel your best, try new ingredients and recipes, kick some habits, and start new healthy habits? 


If so, join the Spring Re-FRESH, May 17 - 23, 2021.


All the details of the program will be emailed to you a few days before it starts, but here are the basics. 


For one week:

  • Cut out added refined sugar, alcohol, white carbs, vegetable oils, certain packaged, dairy and meat products

  • Only include foods that are allowed on the program 

  • Focus on plant-based foods as much as possible 

  • Include Awesome Hour (or 30 minutes) each evening to take time for YOU 

  • Get more sleep

  • Move your body everyday​

  • Be accountable to me and the group to help you feel your best!


Online Class
Healthy Salad
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Website Disclaimer:

The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of West Beach Yoga & Nutrition. Please note that West Beach Yoga & Nutrition is not a dietitian, physician, pharmacist or other licensed healthcare professional. The information on this website is NOT intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the care of a qualified health care professional. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. Always consult with your primary care physician or licensed healthcare provider for all diagnosis and treatment of any diseases or conditions, for medications or medical advice as well as before changing your health care regimen.


Website Disclaimer:

The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of West Beach Yoga & Nutrition. Please note that West Beach Yoga & Nutrition is not a dietitian, physician, pharmacist or other licensed healthcare professional. The information on this website is NOT intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the care of a qualified health care professional. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. Always consult with your primary care physician or licensed healthcare provider for all diagnosis and treatment of any diseases or conditions, for medications or medical advice as well as before changing your health care regimen.

© 2024 West Beach Yoga & Nutrition

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